Monday, January 12, 2009

SE's best and worst of the night

My best dressed woman? Susan Sarandon. I love the idea of woman's tuxedo, but rarely does anyone manage to pull it off. Susan does. The velvet jacket, the skinny pants, the bustier top, the long strands of beads, put it all together and you have one divine-looking woman. Plus, it's neither dowdy, garish nor too young for her, problems many women of her age face.

Worst dressed woman? Drew Barrymore. It wasn't a train wreck. Oh no, it was even worse. It was the dreaded near miss. Her outfit was perfect, down to the deep red clutch, but her hair, oh my lord, her hair. It looked like my cat styled it! It was a gigantic bleached, teased rat's nest on top of her head. It was worse than Jeff Gordon's 2007 dead raccoon mullet. She loses (wins?) simply because she was so close to being best dressed.

Best dressed man? Well, SG has already claimed Seth Rogen, so I went with my second best instead -- The Tudors' Jonathan Rhys Meyers. The vest is what does it for me. Most men wear a two-piece suit or at least don't show off their vests. I love different, and since almost every man there went with boring black (other than Laurence Fishburne), Rhys Meyers' willingness to do something different rockets him to the top of my list.

Worst dressed man? David Duchovny. He's rumpled. He's wearing shoes with laces (a no-no a formal event). The only positive? At least they're flat front trousers and not pleated.

The best couple of the night? Kyra Sedgwick and Kevin Bacon. While his hair is, well, in need of something, I blame Bernie Madoff, Kyra's deep scarlet dress and his classic tux more than made up for the hair issue. Kyra, in accordance with the Globe's more laidback attitude, didn't have a complicated updo, but simply pulled it back away from face, showing off her minimalist makeup.

The worst couple of the night, as much as it pains me to say it, was my beloved Angelina Jolie and her (deleted) significant other Brad Pitt in Versace. Where to start, where to start. . .

Well, Angie's dress is a hot mess, as one of favorite Project Runway contestants would say. The top is hideous, unflattering and makes her look like she's trying to hide yet another pregnancy. The skirt looks like something a Vegas show girl would be rocking. Her hair is, well, blah. As stunning as she is, having half her face covered by her hair makes no sense. This look is made even more wrong by the fact that she looked stunning at the People's Choice Awards earlier in the week.

As for Brad, his tie is crooked and his facial hair looks like that of a 15-year-old boy (and whoever decided to bring back the 'stache. . . a pox on your house!). Brad also fell victim to the unfortunate trend of men wearing sunglasses on the red carpet. Simply gross.


  1. You leave David Duchovny alone! He's a sex addict! He doesn't have time to find shoes without laces!

  2. You're right! In fact, I think he's got a hard-on in that picture. I mean there's a suspicious bulge at his crotch.
