Monday, January 12, 2009

Oh, Courtney

Courtney Love just seems to refuse to realize that the more crap you pile onto your body, the more likely you are to make the "What were they thinking?" lists. Now, don't get me wrong. I like to think I've got a bit of a rock 'n' roll aesthetic when it comes to fashion, but being a rocker doesn't mean you have to be fugly as all get out or look like you're walking around in your daughter's Halloween costume.

Where to start on this one? Well, how about the good, and there is good in this outfit. The dress is cute and could be made to work, even with those tights/hose it could still work.

What doesn't work? Well, everything else. We'll start at the bottom and work up.

1) Those shoes. Yes, ballet flats would work, but not pale blue satin ones with ankle ribbons augmented by my crafting ribbons. Some little unadorned black ones would have been a better choice.

2)The purse. Truthfully, I don't know that ANY purse would work with this get-up, but the one she's got is a definite don't!

3)The bracelets. At first, I thought they were Madonna's gloves from her Like A Virgin days, but on second look, they're black cuffs with brown suede fringe. I didn't know anything that hideous existed, let alone graced the accessories closet of someone who claims to know fashion.

4)The hat. I think I bought one of these at one of those mall accessory stores in high school. Maybe in the 1920s when flappers were all the rage, the hat might, might have worked, but not today and certainly not in burgundy and certainly not with that dry, bleached mop masquarading as hair. A black hat might have even worked today with her Larry Flynt era smooth, banged bob. It still would have been costumey, but that's Court's style.

5) Her age. The dress might be OK on a girl under 25 who's got Courtney's boyish figure, but it is not OK on the 40-plus mother of a teenager. At some point, you've got to grow up Courtney.


  1. You know, this is somehow even worse the second time you see it. She's simply a mistake.

  2. I know. It's a complete and total train wreck, and I didn't even talk about the fact she's wearing it out during the day! At least her daughter wasn't with her. Can you imagine being a teenager and being seen in public with your mother looking like that?

