Thursday, January 15, 2009

Kate vs. Posh

Best friends, mute, glassy-eyed girls...what more could Victoria Beckham and Katie Holmes-Cruise-whatever want from life?

Apparently, dueling ad campaigns.

Well, dueling would actually be terribly unfair to Katie. Posh looks AMAZING in her ad for Armani underwear. No protruding clavicles you could cut glass on. No shoulders that look like they'd shred any fabric touching them like the sword did to Whitney's scarf in The Bodyguard (Tebow, I love that movie). Just a rock-hard, rocking body.

Katie, on the other hand, in the Miu Miu ad? kind of looks like a mannequin? Which I guess is what she was maybe going for? Kind of? In an offbeat way? She actually just looks really ... dead. Like, literally dead. I don't hate the dress (save the random oil splatters on the towel-through-the-belt portion). But there's no way THAT ad is making it a must-buy for anyone.

1 comment:

  1. If you're going to pay a shit ton of money to have a celebrity appear in your ads, shouldn't you make sure she looks at least recognizable so people people go, "Oh, look at Suri's mom in that dress!"
