Friday, January 30, 2009

I need some sunglasses now

Sorry, sorry, sorry. I was off enjoying myself on vacation and didn't get any blogging done.

So I'm returning with a vengence.

Lil' Mama. Let's start with the name. Horrendous. Seriously, can't you be more creative? Jesus, Lil' Romeo and Lil' Bow Wow did the Lil' thing a decade ago. But onto a recent wardrobe choice of yours. A hot pink and purple sequined dress on top of neon orange tights?

I do hope this is what you wear when you go running at night, because there is no other reason for forcing me to wear sunglasses while I'm driving home from work at 2 a.m.

Although if you're auditioning for the lead singer spot in the Misfits from Jem it might work.

1 comment:

  1. The actual dress is pretty cute, but the amazing madness surrounding it is one of those things that makess you wonder how someone could physically come up with such an outfit. I mean, SERIOUSLY!!!
